
Dear IASIL colleagues,

Please find below details of three recent publications by the Irish Manuscripts Commission. A full list of our available stock can be found in our Catalogue 2012–2013 available online at Forthcoming titles (autumn–winter 2013) include Elizabethanne Boran (ed.), The Correspondence of James Ussher, 1600–1656, 3 vols; James Kelly with Mary Ann Lyons (ed.), The Proclamations of Ireland, 1660–1820, 5 vols; and Andrew Carpenter (ed.), Verse tragedy in Restoration Ireland: the Purgatorium Hibernicum.

The remit of the Irish Manuscripts Commission (IMC) is founded on the principles of dissemination, preservation and promotion of original source materials—in public and private ownership—for the history and cultural heritage of Ireland.

Please do visit our website or contact us if you have any queries.

James McGuire

IMC Chair

Recently published


Infanticide in the Irish Crown Files at Assizes, 1883–1900.  Elaine Farrell, editor

This book presents records relating to 115 suspected infant murder and concealment of birth cases detected in Ireland between 1883 and 1900. The material transcribed in this volume comprises 1,140 witness statements sworn before coroners and magistrates. Statements from police officers, doctors and the suspect’s wider social circle provide much detailed information about the lived realities of nineteenth-century Ireland. These records are a rich source of information on the operation of the legal system and reveal much about contemporary attitudes to women and pregnancy as well as insights into work, leisure, religion, superstition, education, and institutional and family life. ISBN 978-1-906865-23-8, xxviii + 545 pp, €65.


Arrangements for the integration of Irish immigrants in England and Wales by Anthony E. C. W. Spencer. Mary E. Daly, editor

This is the first publication of a report (1960) commissioned by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) on Irish immigrants in England and Wales and almost immediately suppressed, as well as the response it elicited from the Catholic Social Welfare Bureau. Spencer’s observations on religious practice and the role of religion in the lives of Irish men and women at home and abroad can be ranked among the first studies in the sociology of religion in Ireland. ISBN 978-1-906865-11-5, xviii + 137 pp, €35.


The account books of the Franciscan House, Broad Lane, Cork, 1764–1921.  Liam Kennedy & Clare Murphy, editors

The Franciscan Order in Ireland kept especially good records. While the potential of these archival treasures has yet to be fully realized, this volume makes available for the first time a substantial slice of the records of the Franciscan community at Broad Lane in the city of Cork. These unique sources consist of the hand-written account books that recorded the day-to-day expenditures of the Cork Franciscans, stretching from the year 1764 through to 1921. This edition offers a revealing window on economic, social and cultural change in the city, while also throwing light on the progress of the Cork Franciscans, and the Catholic church more generally, in this formative period of modern Irish history. ISBN 978-1-906865-24-5, xviii + 930 pp, €80.



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